2025-02-23 01:33:09
Author: Million Dollar Billboard / 2023-07-27 22:36 / Source: Million Dollar Billboard

Once-in-a-Lifetime Advertising Opportunity for Brands to Pole-Position Themselves on a Disruptive Magnetizer to Attract New Clients Worldwide

ZURICH,March 4,2021 --Alumnus Lionel Conod launches Million Dollar Billboard,a vig­orous disruptive advertisement platform that provides unlimited marketing potential to busi­nesses all around the world by supercharging a proven success concept.

"Especially in a world of ferocious competition where billions are spent on social media ads,this is the most cost-effective and straightforward way to pole-position your brand right at the palm of your prospects' hands to stand out from your competitors with ease."

For the ultimate 2021 marketing experience,growth-focused brands,startups,influencers and many more with an international service offering can now reach millions of their prospects worldwide and create a powerful sales funnel to dominate the market at almost no cost.

"The only thing that is limited on the Million Dollar Billboard is its advertisement space,which is assigned to expansion-focused brands on a first come first serve basis."

Growth-oriented businesses can easily join the billboard by investing 1 Dollar per pixel only and maximize their presence with attention-boosting magnetizers such as animations and vid­eos. In order to get featured,a business simply needs to select a spot,submit an ad with a min­imum of 100 pixels and transfer the investment amount via PayPal.

"Either way,you win."

Even without mobile optimization and video content,a similar success concept attracted 600'000 daily unique visitors. Also,the number of internet users has more than quadrupled since then. If the platform should,at a very conservative estimate,generate only 1% of this attention,the return on marketing investment would still outperform contem­porary social media marketing solutions,especially taking into account that the brands are in­tended to be featured for at least 9 years. In more favorable scenarios,the businesses on the billboard get millions of unique visitors which makes it an unbeatable sales prospecting and brand awareness-raising tool.

Previous to the launch,21 companies enthusiastically expressed their intention to join the Million Dollar Billboard experience already. To learn more,visit www.million-dollar-billboard.comor follow us on Twitter @MillionDollarBD. Interested publishers can find more details in the full press release kit.


Lionel Conod


Phone: +41 (0) 78 969 88 06

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