2025-03-06 12:13:35
Author: Huawei Technologies / 2023-07-24 15:12 / Source: Huawei Technologies

AI driven wireless solutions address the challenge of growing 5G OPEX

ZURICH,Oct. 25,2019 -- At the 2019 Global Mobile Broadband Forum,Edward Deng,President of Huawei's Wireless Solutions,unveiled Huawei's latest 5G full-series solution.

Hardware and software enhancements add extra complexity to mobile network operation and maintenance. Introducing AI to implement autonomous operation and maintenance represents a convenient way to address the challenge associated with constantly growing 5G OPEX.

Following Huawei's release of five-level wireless network automation for operation and maintenance at last year's MBBF,broad consensus has been developed and associated standards are taking shape across the industry.

At today's MBBF,Mr. Deng unveiled the industry's first ADN Mobile solution. This solution includes the AI training platform iMaster NAIE,the cross-domain AI unit iMaster AUTIN,and the MBB network AI unit iMaster MAE. These three elements are hierarchically autonomous,with each working independently as a minimum closed loop while also vertically coordinating with each other.

Mr. Deng also indicated that Huawei will launch an entire series of Level 3 applications based on this solution next year,in orderto implement autonomous drivenmobile networks. These will include Site Express for auto-deployment,and Alarm Turbo. They will greatly improve operation and maintenance efficiency,helping operators to reduce OPEX.

Aside from these applications,Huawei will provide scenario-based APIs and programmable environments based on ADN-powered platforms. Operators and industry partners can use them to rapidly develop and customize automation applications in line with differentiated requirements.

As we approach the beginning of a new decade,mobile networks are also ushering in a new era. Powerful 5G networks will deliver optimal user experiences. Advanced algorithms will ensure networks to operate with optimal performance. Leading intelligence will enable constant support for operators to reduce network OPEX.

"5G has come. Powerful networks deliver optimal user experiences. Advanced algorithms ensure optimal performance. Autonomous driving networks empower the most efficient operation and maintenance. This is what we aim to help operators achieve with 5G." said Edward Deng.

This year's Mobile Broadband Forum brings together more than 1,600 representatives from carriers,vertical industries,equipment manufacturers,standards organizations,analyst firms,and the media. For more information,please visit:https://www.huawei.com/en/press-events/events/global-mbb-forum-2019/

Tags: Computer Networks Computer/Electronics Internet Technology Telecommunications



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