Invitation to the media conference of Swiss Clean Battery AG

World's first Gigafactory for pure solid-state batteries established in Switzerland
FRAUENFELD,Switzerland,March 23,2022 --
Time: Wednesday,6.4.22 at 10:00 (planned end 11:00)
Venue: Hotel Schweizerhof,Bahnhofplatz 7,Zurich (opposite main station)
Distributors: Media professionals in the DACH region
Switzerland as a leader in innovation and technology.
Solid-state batteries are regarded as the successor technology to conventional lithium-ion batteries. Intensive research is being carried out worldwide - and Switzerland is now the first country to go into series production with this technology.
The solid-state battery from SCB AG is extremely durable,non-combustible and 50% better in terms of environmental performance than conventional lithium-ion batteries.
Energy transition and security of supply are two sides of the same coin - in Switzerland as well as globally. Renewable energies are the key,and electricity storage is a central prerequisite for this.
With an initial production of 1.2 GWh,SCB AG will serve both the Swiss domestic market and the international market with sustainable battery storage systems from 2024.
Sign up are requested to facilitate planning.
As an attachment,you will find an explanation of the social and economic relevance of the new enabling technology in the overall context.
Download overall context (Englishand German):
Thomas Lützenrath
+41 76 830 6645
thomas.luetzenrath@swisscleanbattery.chSwiss Clean Battery AG
Bahnhofstrasse 56
CH-8500 Frauenfeld