2025-03-03 17:44:24
Author: Mentice AB / 2023-07-23 22:12 / Source: Mentice AB

Mentice to Acquire Eqip and MyIRlog™

STOCKHOLM,Oct. 9,2020 -- MenticeAB (STO: MNTC)todaysigned an agreement to acquire all assets of theJacksonville,Floridabased MedTech companyEqip,Inc.,ahealthITcloud services and data analyticsstartup.

Eqip'sflagship solution,MyIRlog™,iscurrentlybeing usedbyclose toonethousanddoctorsacross the United Statesforrecordinginterventionalprocedurevolumesandhelpingthem establishcriticalcredentialingrequirements.To date,more than120,000interventional procedures,originating fromhundredsof hospitals,are being managedintoMyIRlog'scloud infrastructure.In additiontorecordingand maintainingproceduralvolume by individual specialists,MyIRlog™offershealthcareprovidersdatamonitoringservicesofferinginsight intoindividualphysiciancredentialingstatus.

"ThisacquisitionoffersMenticean unmatched portfolio ofcloudsolutionsandbringsnew and innovativesolutionsto market,ultimately helpingtoimprovepatientoutcomes,"saidDr.Tyler Meyer and Dr.Ryan Bryan,founders and owners ofEqip.

"The link between simulated casesandreal cases is essentialtoour core growth strategy,and theEqipacquisition will enhanceourcloudand data analyticscapabilities,"saidGöran Malmberg,MenticeCEO."Weintendtoexpandour cloudservicestomultiple specialties andenrich ourendovascular performance solutionswithactual casedata,"Malmberg continued.

The transaction withEqipis in line withMentice'sstrategyof reinforcingitsleadingindustry positionand developing disruptive solutions around big dataanddata analytics,precision medicine,performance and physician guidance solutions,and robotics.

Contact for journalists:

Göran Malmberg,Mentice CEO


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About Mentice

Mentice (STO: MNTC) is the world leader in software and hardware simulation solutions for endovascular therapies. Our solutions help healthcare professionals acquire,retain,and enhance their procedural skills driving improved productivity and outcomes. Mentice solutions are scientifically validated and have been specifically developed for healthcare providers and the medical device industry. Neurovascular,cardiovascular,and peripheral interventions are just some of the clinical areas covered by our solutions. Learn more about the features and benefits of Mentice solutions at:www.mentice.com

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Tags: Computer Software Computer/Electronics Health Care/Hospital Medical/Pharmaceuticals



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