World First in CCS Reaches 3Mt Milestone
REGINA,Saskatchewan,Nov. 22,2019 -- SaskPower's Boundary Dam 3 CCS Facility (BD3) recently surpassed three million tonnes (3Mt) of captured carbon dioxide (CO2). This demonstrates that as a first mover in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology it continues to achieve,improve and make a steady impact in reducing and storing CO2emissions.

The above noted capture plant availability is the percentage of time the capture plant is capturing CO2 while the power plant is operating at a minimum 50% load. Plant load at 50% was the original anticipated minimum load for operation of the capture system. The calculations include both the original planned maintenance durations as well as any unplanned extensions.
BD3 has the honour of being a first in the world – which means that it has not only pioneered the implementation of the technology but the willingness to be on the forefront of learning and adaptation. Within five years since it's opening it has made the 3Mt milestone and the capture plant has also performed with successive improved reliability and a steady increase to the daily CO2capture rate.
The International CCS Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre) is often sought after for its ability to share the substantial lessons learned in CCS. BD3 is a testament to learning comes from doing. The Knowledge Centre was designated by its founders,SaskPower and BHP,to share the rich expertise from BD3 with the world – due to CCS's pivotal role to significantly mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs).
Setting a precedent in large-scale carbon capture,BD3 was the foundation for the Knowledge Centre's second-generation CCS study,the Shand CCS Feasibility Study. This study revealed capital costs for the next plant to be 67% cheaper per tonne of CO2captured and a capture rate able to reach up to 97% at reduced load while the plant is integrating with renewable electricity supplies. The Knowledge Centre is now extending these learnings to industry source emissions.
Indeed,the world continues to seek understanding and the practical application resulting from BD3's learnings. Following a tour of the plant in May 2019,COP24 President,Michael Kurtyka told the media,"I am here because of the leadership role this country (Canada) and this region (Saskatchewan) is playing on the international scene. You are leaders in the world. All that you bring to the table internationally is extremely important."
"We congratulate SaskPower's Boundary Dam 3 CCS Facility on capturing 3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide since commencing operations in 2014. This significant milestone clearly demonstrates the viability of CCS technology in delivering clean sustainable energy from coal. BD3 is showing the path forward for the integration of large-scale CCS technologies with power generation. The lessons learned from its experience are vital for the successful application of CCS technologies across the world and even beyond power generation into industrial sectors such as steel and cement."
- David Byers,Chief Executive Officer,CO2CRC
Quick Facts & Links
Large-scale CCS in Canada
Large-scale CCS has meant that over 43Mt on CO2has been safely and permanently stored in Canada and therefore prevented from entering the atmosphere.
Large-scale CCS projects in Canada include:
SaskPower'sBD3 CCSFacility
Weyburn-Midale CO2Monitoring & StorageProject
AquistoreCO2Storage Project
Quest CCSFacility
Alberta Carbon Trunk Line
Climate Change
At no point in history were levels of CO2concentrations as high or increasing as fast as it is now in modern day - Keeling Curve:A Daily Record of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide(Scripps Institution of Oceanography,UC San Diego)
CCS is considered essential in three of the four pathways to keep global warming within 1.5oC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees Celsius
Most of the world can't meet emissions targets without CCS – and for those that can,the median increase in mitigation cost is 138% - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:IPCC AR5 2014
CCS Links
IEA GHG:What is CCS?
2ndGeneration CCS –The Shand Study
Learning By Doing – Cost Reduction Potential for CCUS at Coal-fired Power Plants
Global CCS Institute:CCS Readiness Index
About the International CCS Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre): Operating since 2016 under the direction of an independent board,the Knowledge Centre was established by BHP and SaskPower with a mandate to advance the global understanding and deployment of large-scale CCS to reduce global GHG emissions. The Knowledge Centre provides the know-how to implement large-scale CCS projects as well as CCS optimization through the base learnings from both the fully-integrated Boundary Dam 3 CCS Facility and the comprehensive second-generation CCS study,known as the Shand Study. For more info:
#ClimateAction #CleanTech #CCUS #CCS #BoundaryDam

The figure above illustrates the cumulative CO2 captured from October 2014 to October 2019 -- specifically,the average daily capture rate,in tonnes per day,for each period. Continuous improvements have translated into greater reliability of the plant,allowing it to reach a higher average capture capacity rate since it first opened in 2014

For further information: Media Contacts: International CCS Knowledge Centre: Jodi Woollam,Head of Communications & Media Relations,,T: +1-306-565-5956 / M: +1-306-520-3710;,Twitter: @CCSKnowledge,198 - 10 Research Drive Regina,SK S4S 7J7 Canada