2025-03-10 12:14:16
Author: The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries / 2023-07-27 23:44 / Source: The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries

The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries elects new President and Council for 2019

HONG KONG,Dec. 17,2018 -- The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (the Institute) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday,13 December 2018.

At the Council meeting following the AGM,the Honorary Officers for 2019 were elected (see list below) with Mr David YH Fu FCIS FCS(PE) being re-elected as President for the second term.Mr Fu is currently the Company Secretary of John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited,Swire Pacific Limited,Swire Properties Limited and Cathay Pacific Airways Limited.Mr Ivan KW Tam FCIS FCS will continue to serve as a Council member in the capacity of Past President.

Dr Maurice Ngai FCIS FCS(PE) will retire from Council on 31 December 2018 after serving as an ex-officio member for three years. The Institute would like to thank Dr Ngai for his contributions.

The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries Council 2019:

Honorary Officers:

Mr David YH Fu FCIS FCS(PE)President (re-elected to Council)

Dr Gao Wei FCIS FCS(PE) Vice-President

Ms Gillian E Meller FCIS FCSVice-President

Mr David J Simmonds FCIS FCSVice-President

Mr Ernest CH Lee FCIS FCS(PE)Treasurer (re-elected to Council)

Council Members:

Prof Alan KM Au FCIS FCS


Ms Loretta WM Chan FCIS FCS (re-elected to Council)

Mr Arthur K Lee FCIS FCS

Ms Stella SM Lo FCIS FCS

Prof CK Low FCIS FCS (newly elected)

Mrs Natalia KM Seng FCIS FCS(PE) (re-elected to Council)

Mr Bernard TL Wu FCIS FCS

Mr Xie Bing FCIS FCS (re-elected to Council)

Ms Wendy WY Yung FCIS FCS (re-elected to Council)


Mr Ivan KW Tam FCIS FCSPast President

About The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries

(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee)

The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS) is an independent professional body dedicated to the promotion of its members' role in the formulation and effective implementation of good governance policies as well as the development of the profession of Chartered Secretary and Chartered Governance Professional in Hong Kong and throughout Mainland China.

HKICS was first established in 1949 as an association of Hong Kong members of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) of London. It was a branch of ICSA in 1990 before gaining local status in 1994 and has also been ICSA's China/Hong Kong Division since 2005.

HKICS is a founder member of Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA) which was established in March 2010 in Geneva,Switzerland. In 2017,CSIA was relocated to Hong Kong in which it operates as a company limited by guarantee. CSIA aims to give a global voice for corporate secretaries and governance professionals.

HKICS has over 5,800 members and 3,200 students.

For more information,please visit www.hkics.org.hk.

For media enquiries,please contact:

Ms Anthea Law

Senior Manager,Marketing & Communications

The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries

Tel: 852 2830 6003

Email: anthea.law@hkics.org.hk

Tags: Banking/Financial Service



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