Yili Group reports annual operating income of 111 billion yuan
HOHHOT,China,April 29,2022 --Chinese dairy giant Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co.,Ltd. - based inHohhot,capital of North China's Inner Mongolia region - reported an operatingincome of 110.6 billion yuan ($16.76 billion) in 2021,a year-on-year increaseof 14.15 percent.

Yili Group is currently flying high. It posted operating income of 110.6 billion yuan in 2021,up 14.15 percent.
The company,known for short as Yili Group,also posted a net profit of 8.73billion yuan,a year-on-year increase of 23 percent,according to its 2021annual report released on April 27.
With its latest robust results,Yili became the first dairy company in Asiawith an annual operating income exceeding 100 billion yuan.
According to the 2022 first-quarter report released on the same day,Yiliachieved a total operating income of 31.05 billion yuan in Q1,up 13.47 percenton the previous corresponding period,while net profit was 3.51 billion yuan,up 24.08 percent.
As a leading dairy company in China,Yili has integrated its internationalhigh-quality resources and comprehensively promoted the development of theindustry.
Analysts pointed out that Yili's performance,despite the negative globaleconomic impact of COVID-19,reflected China's rapid economic recovery and itsstructural upgrading to meet market demand. They said it was also amanifestation of Yili's long-term stable development,due to its competitiveadvantages and actions undertaken to limit risk.
Boosted by continued product and technological innovation,Yili's traditionalliquid milk and cold drinks last year posted operating income of 84.91 billionyuan and 7.16 billion yuan respectively,up 11.54 percent and 16.28 percentyear-on-year,ranking them first in the Chinese market.
Sales revenue of key products,such as Satine,Ambrosial and Jinlingguan,continued to show growth in 2021.
While ensuring the safety of its dairy products,the company also conductsin-depth research into consumer preferences,to provide customers with a raftof innovative products.
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Caption: Yili Group is currently flying high. It posted operating income of 110.6billion yuan in 2021,up 14.15 percent.

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