2025-03-01 14:12:18
Author: Fosun / 2023-07-22 19:14 / Source: Fosun

Fosun Continues Joining Hand with Other Benevolent Enterprises in Donating Medical Supplies, to Hospitals in the U.S.

NEW YORK,April 1,2020 --

In response to the increasing numbers of global coronavirus pneumonia patients,Fosun's "Global Anti-Virus Relief Scheme" is continuing its efforts.

Fosun Foundation donated the first batch of 18,000 pieces of masks to New York's NYU Langone Health and Mount Sinai hospital on March 28,followed by donations to other 15 hospitals in Chicago,Boston as well as states like New Jersey,and California.

Fosun Foundation,together with Longfor Group and Beijing Heaven Pictures ordered N95 masks,Dupont Tyvek medical preventive suits and other medical supplies in the US as well as shipped from China to help ease the shortage at main hospitals within the major affected areas as the foundation boosts its efforts on fighting the coronavirus pandemic globally. The total donated materials include 69,700 masks and 2,300 medical suits.

With a saying from President Abraham Lincoln "The better part of one's life consists of his friendship",Fosun wishes to highlight the friendship between the two countries and holding hands with every friends in fighting against COVID-19 pandemic.

"As a globalized company,we hope to help the world win this coronavirus fight as soon as possible. We are deeply worried about the health and safety of our stakeholders in the US,and will continue to help as much as we can. Together we keep calm,unite to fight,and carry on," said Fosun International's Chairman Guo Guangchang.

According to the real-time epidemic data by Johns Hopkins University in the US,as of 8:00 am on March 31 (Beijing time),the total number of confirmed worldwide cases of coronavirus has risen to 780,000,of which over 160,000 have been gradually diagnosed in the U.S. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned the U.S. could become the "epicenter" of the global epidemic.

This is Fosun's first batch of medical protection supplies to the US since Fosun has kicked off its second phase of operations against the coronavirus. As of March 31,Fosun has deployed 2.523 million masks,protective medical suits,and nucleic acids test kits in countries,such as Italy,the U.S.,France,Germany,the U.K.,Portugal,Japan,South Korea,India,mostly overseas countries with rapidly growing epidemics.

Fosun Continues Joining Hand with Other Benevolent Enterprises in Donating Medical Supplies, to Hospitals in the U.S.

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Tags: Health Care/Hospital Infectious Disease Control Medical Equipment Medical/Pharmaceuticals



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