2025-03-13 23:51:32
Author: International Division, Ministry of Human Resources of Malaysia / 2023-07-23 14:36 / Source: International Division, Ministry of Human Resources of Malaysia

Kula Segaran, Human Resource Minister of Malaysia: ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting Adopts Three Vital Documents For The ASEAN Workers

KUALA LUMPUR,Malaysia,Dec. 10,2018 -- Chaired by the Ministry of Human Resources of Malaysia,The 25th ASEAN Labour Ministers' Meeting and its Related Meetings / Conference which concluded on 29 November 2018 have adopted three outcome documents,which were-- the ASEAN Declaration on Promoting Green Jobs for Equity and Inclusive Growth of ASEAN Community; Action Plan to implement the ASEAN Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers; and List of ASEAN-OSHNET initiatives to implement the ASEAN Labour Minister's Statement on improving Occupational Safety and Health for Sustainable Economic Growth.

The theme chosen for this year is Promoting Green Jobs for Equity and Inclusive Growth of ASEAN Community.

Human Resource Minister of Malaysia,M Kula Segaran who chaired the two-day meeting said all three documents were unanimously agreed by all Labour Ministers from all ASEAN member states and its Plus Three Dialogue Partners,namely China,Japan and South Korea.

"Promoting Green Jobs will include producing decent employment opportunities,enhancing resource efficiency and creating low-carbon societies. This is a very good achievement,and a win-win for ASEAN and Malaysia," he told a press conference after the meeting was closed by the Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

Kula said an action plan to implement in creating avenues for policy formulation and governance at regional level in promoting and creating Green Jobs and Green Skills will be worked out soon. Malaysia as the Chair of the ASEAN Labour Ministers will spearhead this action plan.

The ASEAN labour sector should enhance the capability of its workforce by attracting more skilled workers,in particular those relating to green jobs,said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

She also noted that the promotion of green jobs would include the creation of decent employment opportunities,enhancement of resource efficiency and production of low-carbon societies.

It is also crucial for ASEAN to engage governments,trade unions and employers' associations to strengthen social protection and to improve occupational safety and health at the workplace,which supports the commitments in the Action Plan to implement the ASEAN Consensus; and List of ASEAN-OSHNET initiatives.

Tags: Workforce Management/Human Resources



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