2025-03-17 08:17:30
Author: Max Capital Management / 2023-07-23 15:45 / Source: Max Capital Management

MCM GIC Launches Unipreneurship Development Grant Programme For All Local Universities Entrepreneurs

KUALA LUMPUR,Malaysia,March 11,2021 -- Following the successful Young Entrepreneurship Development Programme (YEDP) that has helped multiple universities shape budding entrepreneurs with over 5,000 students welcoming presence,MCM GIC launches Unipreneurship Development Grant Programme (UDGP). As part of the digital transformation corporate social responsibility initiative,MCM is on its mission of meeting the needs to prepare university students for the challenge in this uncertainty of the 21st-century.

UDGP aims to encourage the university students' confidence and competency to increase their pre-seed business marketability in presenting business pitch deck presentations. As a PMC,MCM deliver its commitment to serve the society by providing programme orientation that consisted of several criteria that the university students should comply in their business pitch deck recording to complete the programme enrolment prior to the qualifying round evaluation. In this qualifying round,MCM has received overwhelming submissions from various university students namely Taylor's University,Tunku Abdul Rahman University (UTAR),Multimedia University (MMU),MARA University of Technology (UiTM),University of Technology (UTM),and many more.

The announcement of the UDGP finalist will be made before 10 March 2021 and there will be 10 finalists that will roll their way to seize the chance to win the grant. UDGP finale session will be evaluated from a list of an industry-driven panel including Adj. Prof. Ts. Maxshangkar; Group Chief Executive Officer of Max Capital Management Holding Ltd,Adj. Prof. Chris Wong; General Partner of CoMetro Capital,Dr. Lee Sheng Chyan; Head of Unovate Centre UTAR,Mr. Dan Then; Chief Executive Officer of MCM eCom Global Venture,Ms. Amy Seok; Chief Executive Officer of ulearnMONEY.com.

Witness the finalists pursuing their passion and ambition challenging their capabilities to win Unipreneurship Development Grant worth more than RM 15,000 on this 20 March 2021 from 10 AM-12 PM free admission LIVE session at 2021 MCM GIC Members Week virtual fair via https://mcm2021.cloudexpo.my/ and official MCM Max Capital Management Holding Ltd Facebook page via https://www.facebook.com/maxcapitalmanagement

Tags: Banking/Financial Service Education



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