2025-03-13 08:00:35
Author: Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) / 2023-07-23 16:03 / Source: Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)

RIETI-CEPR Online Symposium "Exploring New Capitalism" Set for March 23

TOKYO,March 18,2022 -- The Tokyo-based Research Institute of Economy,Trade and Industry (RIETI) hasannounced that it will host an online symposium on March 23 together with theLondon-based Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) to discuss "newcapitalism" and other topics.

The Japanese government aims to realize new capitalism based on the concepts ofa "Virtuous Circle of Growth and Distribution" and "Pioneering a NewPost-Corona Society." In the new capitalism,the issues to be addressed includethe decline in productivity and international competitiveness of the Japaneseeconomy,as well as climate change and the intensifying internationalcompetition over technology.

At the symposium,European and Japanese experts will discuss the newcapitalism,"Climate Change and Economic Dynamism" and "Global Value Chains(GVC) Resilience in the Face of Geoeconomics Shocks," exploring ways to solveboth global and Japanese problems.

- Time / Date: 5:00pm-6:30pm (JST) / 9:00am-10:30am (CET),Wednesday,March 23,2022

- Language: English

- Admission: Free

- Memo: Online (Live Stream)

- Hosts: Research Institute of Economy,Trade and Industry (RIETI) / Centre forEconomic Policy Research (CEPR)

More information: https://www.rieti.go.jp/en/events/22032301/info.html

Entry: https://rieti.smktg.jp/public/application/add/6874?lang=en

*To participate,fill in the registration form from the above link.


Keynote Speech: Agenda for the New Capitalism

YANO Makoto; Chairman,RIETI / Project Professor,Institute of Economic Research,Kyoto University / Professor by Special Appointment,Sophia University

Panel Discussion 1: Climate Change and Economic Dynamism -- Innovation foreconomic and planetary security

- Panelists

Rick VAN DER PLOEG; Research Fellow,CEPR / Professor of Economics and Research Director,Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies (OxCarre),University of Oxford

ONO Yuki; Representative,Hachidori Denryoku,Borderless Japan,Inc.


Richard BALDWIN; Professor of International Economics,Graduate Institute,Geneva

Panel Discussion 2: GVC Resilience in the Face of Geoeconomics Shocks

- Panelists


TODO Yasuyuki; Faculty Fellow,RIETI / Professor,Faculty of Political Scienceand Economics,Waseda University

- Moderator

WATANABE Tetsuya; Vice President,RIETI

Summary and Concluding Reflection

- Moderator


RIETI-CEPR Online Symposium "Exploring New Capitalism" Set for March 23

View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/rieti-cepr-online-symposium-exploring-new-capitalism-set-for-march-23-301505584.html

Tags: Education Higher Education



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