Inspirational women to lead at 2022 World Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® - the success and leadership summit for women,Oct 25,Singapore.
SINGAPORE,Sept. 12,2022 -- House of Rose Professional Pte. Ltd (HORP) today announced the 2022 Break the ceiling touch the sky® list of Asia's Most Inspirational Women in Leadership. The list included over 125 inspirational female leaders in Asia and was curated by House of Rose Professional after reviewing senior female executives across Asia from over 400 Companies/Organizations. Five factors were used in the final determination of Asia's Most Inspirational Women in leadership - Career achievements; scale of influence; active and visible advocacy for gender equality; active support of other women in leadership within and outside of their own organizations/ Companies; and sharing of their best practices for success across broader industry.
Commented Anthony A. Rose,Chairman and CEO,House of Rose Professional,"This reveal of the 2022 Break the ceiling touch the sky's list of Asia's Most Inspirational women in leadership is yet another step in support of MISSION 2029 FOR A BETTER WORLD – our stated 10-year mission to shape a better world via better (gender) diversity & inclusion,leadership and business. House of Rose Professional will continue to create visibility and opportunity for female leadership around the world with the 10-year goal being to quintuple the number of Female CEOs in the world's 500 largest Companies (from 14 in 2020 when we announced the mission to 70 in 2029) and double the number of Male CEOs investing in gender diversity & inclusion."
Several of the leaders appearing on the 2022 Break the ceiling touch the sky® list of Asia's most inspirational women in leadership will also speak and share their inspirational secrets for success at the upcoming 2022 World Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® - the success and leadership summit for women taking place live in Singapore on Oct 25,2022,at the Shangri-La,Singapore. The day will be led by over 30 C-Suite leaders from the world's most successful companies coming together to share best practices on leadership,diversity & inclusion,and success in support of MISSION 2029 FOR A BETTER WORLD. Live participation at the world edition is limited to 400 delegates this year and several hundred delegates will join virtually.
Companies or individuals can view the Break the ceiling touch the sky® Asia's Most Inspirational Women in Leadership 2022 List and register for the 2022 World Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky®,at www.houseofroseprofessional.com
Break the ceiling touch the sky® is the world's leading forum for women in leadership,having inspired and enabled several thousand leaders to greater success across editions in Asia,North America,Europe,Middle East,Africa and ANZ since 2015. The summit brings together leaders from the best Companies leading in the world to share best practices on leadership,and success.
The 2022 World Edition of Break the ceiling touch the sky® has as its early sponsors Coca-Cola,Mastercard,HP,Kroger,PepsiCo,BIC,Fine Hygienic Holding and Diageo.
Since 2014 House of Rose Professional has enabled over 30000 women leaders (and several thousand male leaders who support diversity & inclusion) to greater success via its Break the ceiling touch the sky®,Dream Job International and CEOSmith® brands across a range of Training,Talent and Transformation solutions.
Inquiries contact:
Anthony A. Rose
House of Rose Professional Pte. Ltd.
Email: anthony@houseofroseprofessional.com