2025-03-10 21:24:46
Author: SpeakIn / 2023-07-23 16:17 / Source: SpeakIn

SpeakIn raises pre-series A round, welcomes top tech doyen as investor

SINGAPORE and NEW DELHI,Dec. 1,2022 -- SpeakIn,Asia's largest digital platform for 1:1 coaching and group learning sessions,has announced a fresh infusion of capital to accelerate its SaaS platform and global expansion. The company recently moved its headquarters to Singapore to effectively address the increasing demand for professional learning in the Asia Pacific region. Having grown 5x YoYinrevenues,thecompany aims to be the preferred choice for 1:1 coaching and group learning sessions for professionals and businesses across APAC. Its new investors include Kulmeet Bawa,President and Managing Director,SAP Indian subcontinent.

Deepshikha Kumar,the Founder and CEO of SpeakIn,described the fresh investment as another milestone in the company's product growth story. "Kulmeet is one of the most respected names in technology leadership in APAC. This comes at a time when we are taking giant steps towards expanding SpeakIn in APAC,having moved our operations to Singapore,and with the launch of GROW - our mobile SaaS platform."

"I am excited to be a part of the SpeakIn journey as they build the learning and development ecosystem across Asia and beyond. Having been coached and now coaching and mentoring the next of leaders,I understand how this can be a game changer both on the professional and personal front. SpeakIn is a clear leader in this space helping address the larger global learning need. Whether it is their web platform or the intuitive mobile application,the ability to provide 1:1 coaching and 1-to-many sessions with the world's best leaders,is truly impressive."

Kulmeetjoins SpeakIninvestorsincludingVinodK.Dasari,formerManagingDirector ofAshokLeyland; Aditya Ghosh,Co-Founder of Akasa Air and former President of Indigo Airlines; Richard Rekhy,former CEO ofKPMGIndia;andAartiGupta,oneofIndia's topwomeninvestors andtheFICCIFLOChairpersonfor Startups.

SpeakIn's mission is to transform the landscape of executive education and professional learning by connecting the world's best coaches and mentors with learners. The company boasts a network of over 18,000 experts and thought leaders who provide 1-on-1 coaching and 1-to-many group learning sessions to enterprise clients,their leaders and their teams. Already established in the Indian sub-continent SpeakIn's strategy is to expand across the Asia Pacific region becoming the go-to digital professional learning and coaching platform.

"Wehaveseenstrong growthoverthelastyearandwearepoised tomakethetransitionfroma service-based model to asubscription-based model,available on mobile and web platform," said Kumar. "SpeakIn now offers professional learning via our SaaS platform SpeakIn GROW™to enterprise clientswhowishtodevelop theirleadersandteams.Noweveryonewillbeabletolearn1:1fromthe best of leaders and practitioners."

Thecompany hasarepresentationofexperts from47countries.Withthisnewinfusionofcapital,the company is targeting expansion to North America in the next 12 months and to build a deeper engagement with 400+ enterprise existing clients across APAC.


HeadquarteredinSingapore,SpeakIn deliverslearningonover500topicstaught byover18,000global experts. Over 400 enterprise clients and 1.5 million professional learners across eight countries have learnt on the SpeakIn platform through 1-on-1 coaching,group speaker sessions and self-paced videos,blogs and podcasts - all delivered by SpeakIn experts. With marquee clients like Accenture,SAP,Shell,VISA,Omron,BCGandmore,SpeakInisscaling quicklybackedbyadeep-techSaaSmobile and web platform.SpeakIn is led by a pedigreed team of ISB and Wharton Alumni founders,run by woman leaders with years of leadership experience across education and consulting at McGraw Hill,AccentureandEY.Thecompany continuestobuildintuitivelearning technologiestoimprove the professionallearning experience,expandinternationallyandstrengthenthebrandacross AsiaPacific and beyond.

Tags: Computer/Electronics Education Higher Education Multimedia/Online/Internet



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