2025-03-09 23:45:24
Author: Intermedia Laboratory Inc. / 2023-07-22 22:32 / Source: Intermedia Laboratory Inc.

Intermedia Laboratory Inc. Sells Gridwork, Erasable Smartpen Tool, on Crowdfunding Site Indiegogo

TOKYO,Nov. 22,2021 -- Intermedia Laboratory Inc. (Head office: Tokyo) has started selling Gridwork on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo. With Gridwork,handwriting on special boards,Gridboard and Gridnote,can be displayed on PC whiteboards and shared screens of online meeting systems as one writes simply by connecting the smartpen,Gridpen,to the PC,requiring no installation of an app or driver. The displayed handwriting can be stored,and the boards can be erased clean.

URL: https://www.indiegogo.com/

Product Images: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/release/202111173546?p=images

What is Gridwork? http://im-lab.com/gridwork_en/

Gridwork is a next-generation smartpen tool that consists of a Gridpen,a smartpen with replaceable stylus pen and erasable water-based ballpoint pen cores,Gridboard,an ultra-lightweight (36g) and ultra-thin (0.58mm) board printed with an "invisible dot code" Grid Onput (coordinate data) that can be read by the Gridpen,and Gridnote,a special 10-page notebook which can easily be erased with a wet-wipe at will.

Gridwork is a revolutionary product that combines the functions of writing as a conventional stationery item and writing in digital files for record-keeping. One of the advantages of this product is that the Gridboard and Gridnote can be written on and erased repeatedly,making Gridwork eco-friendly and SDG compliant. The erasable water-based ballpoint pen is replacing the pencil in European elementary schools. Those using it will be able to write neatly with Gridwork and appreciate the merits of online education. Thus,Gridwork can contribute to the advance of EdTech.

Video introduction of Gridwork: https://youtu.be/TI6AVwl7NwU

Suggested Retail Prices:

Gridpen and Gridboard Set (plus pen refills) US$123.21

Gridpen and Gridnote Set (plus pen refills) US$149.61

Gridpen,and Gridnote Set (plus pen refills) US$162.81

(1US$=JPY113.63 as of Nov. 15,2021)

Features of Gridwork

The Gridpen is USB-powered.

Just plug the pen into a PC. No installation of a special app or driver is required. (HID-compliant)

Conferences and lectures can be held with mutual clear writing onto whiteboards and shared screens of online conference systems.

Online classes can be made interactive,with the students answering quizzes and the teacher making corrections and giving guidance.

Almost all windows applications with drawing functions compliant with HID standards can be used.

Gridboard and Gridnote are "advanced stationery paper" consisting of special surface resin-coated sheets developed with a focus on 1) good writing quality,2) suppression of pen pressure indentations and 3) clean erasing.

Gridwork Compliant Web Conference Systems with Drawing Functions:

Zoom,Teams,Google Meet,and meet in.

Gridwork Compliant Applications with Drawing Functions:

MS Office apps,MS Journal,MS Paint,Windows Ink Workspace,Microsoft Edge (pdf),Acrobat Pro and much more.

Intermedia Laboratory seeks potential partners for distribution and product customization handling.

Check out the website for company and product information. http://im-lab.com/english_top/

--The Indiegogo Trademarks used in this press release are property of Indiegogo,Inc.

Intermedia Laboratory Inc. Sells Gridwork, Erasable Smartpen Tool, on Crowdfunding Site Indiegogo

View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/intermedia-laboratory-inc-sells-gridwork-erasable-smartpen-tool-on-crowdfunding-site-indiegogo-301429674.html

Tags: Computer Accessories Computer/Electronics Consumer Electronics



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