2025-03-01 22:27:01
Author: TKS Exhibition Services Ltd / 2023-07-22 17:52 / Source: TKS Exhibition Services Ltd

ITE Hong Kong 2022 boosts Tourism Recovery & Proven Onsite Online Services for Flexibility

HONG KONG,Nov. 16,2021 -- Hong Kong's only Travel Expo ITE2021 held successfully in late-July while the 36th ITE will be held from 9 to 12 June 2022,both at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.Organized by TKS,ITE is strongly supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China with Hong Kong Tourism Board etc. as supporters.

Again,ITE's first 1.5 days admit only registered trade visitors,while the remaining days visitors buy ticket for admission and retail sale allowed then.

Though smaller,ITE 2021 upheld quality! It drew 2544 trade/MICE visitors,27106 public visitors,over 100 exhibitors with nearly two-third from outside Hong Kong! The largest pavilions came from mainland China,Taiwan and Japan which had some 15 stands by nearly 10 prefectures. New theme pavilions of Glamorous Camping,Outdoor,Green and Sport Tourism for post-pandemic travel were popular.

Others attended ITE via online,they include overseas exhibitors through ZOOM meet visitors inside fairground,or visitors outside fairground watching onsite seminars live-streamed on Facebook.

In ITE 2021 were some 50 well attended seminars mainly on overseas destinations,and its survey drew 4514 replies found huge pent up travel demand-21% respondents travel abroad within 1 month and 69% within 6 months after lifting travel restriction; 60% keep or increase travel budget in coming year. Significantly,Hong Kong does not forbid citizens to go abroad.

In pre-pandemic 2019,Hong Kong spent US$26.9 billion on outbound travel and ranked World's 12th largest market,and each year over 2 million Hong Kong citizens visited Japan.

Media recently reported Hong Kong government hope reopening border with mainland China rather substantially in February and fully before Reunion Anniversary on July 1; and an Executive Councilor commented Hong Kong could open up to global travel later sometime next year. Thus,ITE 2022 will likely have more international exhibitors and buyers from other cities in Greater Bay Area.

Amid wider vaccination,and more countries and regions reopening borders to foreign travelers,ITE 2022 timely to facilitate tourism recovery!

ITE 2022 again entitled to government subsidies and all exhibitor can enjoy 20% discount on booth rental for paying before 30-Dec-2021 and 10% thereafter. Also,proven online and onsite solutions available in ITE 2022 to cater for travel restriction uncertainty. Website www.itehk.com


TKS Exhibition Services Ltd



Tags: Banking/Financial Service Travel



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